
Christian Service

Our Christian Service department supports the parish in conjunction with the Christian Service Commission as a model and resource of Catholic Social Teaching, enabling the entire parish community to put the social teaching of the Church into action by:

  • Determining the social and justice needs of the community and discerning how to respond and support these needs to achieve justice
  • Supporting the efforts of the parish service organizations (St. Vincent DePaul, Food Pantry, Knights of Columbus, etc.)
  • Coordinating and overseeing parish social events

The Christian Service Commission actualizes the social teaching of the Church by fulfilling specific administrative, educational, and ministerial responsibilities, such as:

  • Pancake Supper
  • Easter Vigil Reception
  • First Communion Reception
  • Parish Picnic
  • Thanksgiving Basket Program
  • Christmas Gift Giving Program
  • Lenten Soup Supper

If you are interested in participating as a volunteer in these or other activities supported by our Christian Service Department, please contact:
248-476-7677 ext 204
St. Vincent DePaul at 248-476-7677 ext. 220

Christian Service Mission Statement

The St. Gerald Christian Service Commission exists as a model and resource of Catholic social teaching to enable the entire parish community to put the message of Jesus Christ into action. Our Commission is committed to extending our time, talent, and treasure through ministry, which transforms the heart of the one who serves while transforming the lives of those who are served.